Monday, September 8, 2008

researching ideas for this class(week 3)

what i would like to reserch in this class is maybe a little bit about politics, and if not politics i would like to reserch the cameras or photos or something to do with taking pictures and where it came from...
i would also like to do some reserch on modeling since i have a certian interest in it since i do it for extra money for school.
i think that i would like to look into where and why politics started(well more in depth then what we already know) and how much the government really controls everything that we do and how much power they really have and what we think they have.
and for my photo reserch i would probably go back to when and how the camera was invented and how they discovered it.
and for modeling i think that i would probably want to know when and why it started and how it became so popular and important to society. also i would like to know who thought of it and why they did this and how did they get people to catch on to it and how modeling affects us in todays life and how its soo easy to be scammed...

1 comment:

tylerstudent29 said...

The camera one of when and where the camera was invented would be a good one to write your paper on for sure.