Monday, September 8, 2008

researching ideas for this class(week 3)

what i would like to reserch in this class is maybe a little bit about politics, and if not politics i would like to reserch the cameras or photos or something to do with taking pictures and where it came from...
i would also like to do some reserch on modeling since i have a certian interest in it since i do it for extra money for school.
i think that i would like to look into where and why politics started(well more in depth then what we already know) and how much the government really controls everything that we do and how much power they really have and what we think they have.
and for my photo reserch i would probably go back to when and how the camera was invented and how they discovered it.
and for modeling i think that i would probably want to know when and why it started and how it became so popular and important to society. also i would like to know who thought of it and why they did this and how did they get people to catch on to it and how modeling affects us in todays life and how its soo easy to be scammed...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

(week 2) to baby sit an infant..

I. Baby sitting an infant.
A. How to hold a baby.
1. if the baby is lying on its back...
a. slide one hand under the babys neck and fan out your fingers so that your hand can
support the babys head.
b. slide other hand under the babys lower back and fan out fingers to support the babys
i. lean close to the baby and lift him/her up in a uniform bundle.
ii. dont let him/her limbs fail around and keep her head a little higher than the rest of
her body.
2. if the baby is lying on his/her belly...
a. roll him/her on its back.
B. Bottle feeding.
1. hold the baby in your lap with one arm around her, so that his/her neck is in the crook of
your arm.
2. gently push the nipple of the bottle into the babys mouth.
a. keeping her head and the upper body rasied at a slight angle so that its easier for the
baby to swallow.
b. tip the end of the bottle up as your feeding so that the baby doesnt swallow ais as the
formula disapears.
C. to burp the baby.
1. hold her with her head over your sholder.
a. keep hand towel on sholder in case the baby throws up.
2. pat her back until she burps.
D. changing the babys diaper.
1. first wash and dry your hands
a.settle the baby down.
b. lay him/her down on a dry flat surface are on a blanket.
2. undo the babys dirty daiper.
a. wipe away any excess poop with corners of the diaper.
b. do not remove just yet.
3. Gently grasp the babys ankels together and pull them up..
a. use the baby wipes to clean the babys area.
b. if the baby is a girl make sure to wipe from front to back.
4. pull the dirty diaper out.
a. roll it up with the excessive wipes.
b. slide a fresh diaper under the baby.
c. attach both ends and your done.
E. putting the baby to sleep.
1. hold the baby in your arms.
a. rock him/her with bottle or pasifire.
b. they will fall asleep just fine after a while.
c. thats pretty much it. your pretty much done once they are asleep just make sure to ckeck on them.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a little bit about myself (Introduction for english week 1)

HI, my name is Nathalie.
Im 19 years old and im going to school for Poli sci(political science).
Im a very out going girl and i love to hang out with my family and boyfriend, they are basicaly my life.
My main hobby right now is modeling.
i love to do it because it is allot of fun and i get paid for
My boyfriend and I have been dating for about two years now and are still happily and very much in love.
I grew up in a pretty big family.
I have three brothers and a older sister.
Im closer to my oldest brother David he gets me better then anyone else in my family does.
My parents are awsome people.
They are divorced but i also have a pretty cool step dad as well.
My mom has worked really hard to get where she is now, and so has my dad.
I love them both to death and i couldn't thank them enough for everything they do for me and my brothers.
anyways but ya thats pretty much me.=)